130 years ago pioneers came to this valley and saw in the sagebrush covered land a vision of a thriving community. They laid the foundation for cities, and in 1913 a county, which reflected the values they thought important: community, family, and education; a place of gathering where their children and grandchildren could live, work and raise families. We are the beneficiaries of their vision, in the infrastructure, roads, and towns they founded.
Today, our community is growing and changing. Over the last decade Madison County has experienced unprecedented growth, which has brought opportunities and challenges that were not dreamed of ten years ago. These opportunities require us to ask some hard questions, questions that will affect the way our area develops for the next 50 years. These questions include: How can we develop the jobs that will keep our community economically viable for the long term? How will growth affect our open areas? How do we maintain quality of life?
Envision Madison is a community driven effort to help identify and develop a "vision" for the future of Madison County.
Envision Madison Stakeholders will select elements of the scenarios they think should be explored. The reaction to the scenarios will serve as the basis for the vision's products: a set of goals, along with a vision scenario that illustrates one plausible way these goals might play themselves out in the cities and county. Envision Madison will then take the principles and vision scenario and translate them into an action plan that includes both strategies and short-term tactics to shape the future of Madison County.
We invite you to join us in this effort to shape the future of our community for our children, grandchildren and all who choose to make Madison County their home.
We invite you to share with us your top five concerns or challenges that we as a community need to address. Examples: infrastructure, jobs, etc. You can email us at Info@EnvisionMadisonCounty.org.